Environmental Health

The St. Francis Health Department is committed to assuring a healthy and safe environment for all persons.

The Health Department and a Registered Sanitarian enforce sanitation regulations.  The Health Department and Registered Sanitarians have the authority to license and inspect all retail food establishments, taverns, restaurants and swimming pools.
Information regarding food safety, product safety and for up-to-date recall information on food products visit the Food Safety Website
St. Francis Restaurant Inspection Reports
All food establishments in our Community are inspected and regulations are enforced by a Registered Sanitarian and the Health Officer.  You are now able to view the inspection reports for St. Francis, South Milwaukee & Cudahy website:

If you wish to view Restaurant Inspection Reports for the rest of the State of Wisconsin go to the Health Space website:
Rabies Control
WI State law requires any dog or cat that bites a person be quarantined for 10 days.  During this time the animal is observed for signs of rabies.  The animal will need to be examined by a licensed veterinarian on the first and tenth day and one day in between.  If the animal is not current on the rabies vaccine it will need to be quarantined at a licensed facility at the owners expense.

Every dog or cat needs to be licensed.
Human Health & Nuisance Complaints
The Health Department will investigate concerns of unsanitary conditions.  Orders to correct conditions will be issued to property owners.  If not corrected a citation may be issued.

The Health Department will investigate concerns regarding lead hazards and excessive mold growth. A mold complaint form can be downloaded from SMWI Website. Visit DHS Website for information on regulations concerning lead, as well as procedures for cleanup and lead abatement.
Beach Testing
Beach water testing at Bay View Beach (located in the City of St. Francis) is conducted between the months of June and September.  Samples of the water are tested for high levels of E.Coli bacteria and the beach is posted as to the quality of the water for swimming.  The results of the testing can be found on the web site or by calling 1-800-441-4636 Ext 1460.
Bed Bugs
The Health Department will investigate complaints regarding Bed Bugs.

Bed bug infestation crosses all socio-economic boundaries.  Infestations are found in world class hotels and in lower income housing.  For more information on identification and treating bed bugs go to the EPA website

If you have a complaint, you can complete a Bed Bug Complaint Evaluation Form below and return to the Health Department as stated on the form.