Total Calls for Service: 20
Motor Vehicle Accident-2000 E. Layton Ave.
At approximately 11:52 am Caller reports witnessing a person in older grey Jeep Cherokee hit a black Prius in the lot. Officer reports there was minor cosmetic damage to both vehicles. Contact made with both vehicle owners, neither wished to file an accident report.
Suspicious Activity-3100blk E. Crawford Ave.
At approximately 5:07 pm complainant came to the PD and states that his W2 arrived in the mail, opened, with a note saying opened by mistake. Complainant would like it documented just in case someone attempts to use his information.
Welfare Check-3120 E. Norwich Ave.
At approximately 5:58 pm Anonymous caller called about a tenant that constantly is screaming, has been going on for 3 years. Per apt management, they advised to have her call in a welfare check. Officer made contact with the female tenant who admitted to screaming a lot today. She stated the reason was because neighbors have been making unnecessary noises at all different hours, which upset her so she started screaming. The female was advised to stop screaming and if she had problems with other tenants to contact management in the morning. The female did not need any further assistance from officers.
Welfare Check-4500blk S. Kansas Ave.
At approximately 6:14pm Caller states that someone may be living in vehicle. The vehicle has been parked 3-4 days on his block. Ford Explorer/SUV, possibly silver. Officers found the vehicle parked and unoccupied. It appeared the vehicle had someone living in it. Phone contact was made with the registered vehicle owner, who stated he had a family emergency and had to leave the vehicle parked there. He stated he will be moving the vehicle in a few hours. He denied that he was living in it. No further police assistance needed.
Suspicious Activity-4567 S. Whitnall Ave.
At approximately 6:28 pm Caller reports he heard strange noises coming from a vehicle parked in the east lot of his apartment complex. He observed a W/M wearing a grey hoodie, kicking the vehicle, getting in and out. Officer made contact with the subject at his vehicle who advised that he was frustrated with his work. Officers then observed damage on the vehicle and he stated that he kicked his car. Investigation revealed, the man was arrested by OCPD earlier in the day for OWI 2nd and that a family member drove the car home after the arrest. Both OCPD and the person who drove the vehicle home advised that they did not observe any damage prior to officer’s contact. He stated he didn't drive after he was arrested. Officers checked the parking lots and surrounding area but did not locate anything with matching damage. Follow-up with management to see if they have video of the vehicle parking.
Mutual Aid-3600blk E. Lunham Ave.
At approximately 6:32 pm Oconomowoc PD requesting SFPD officers attempt to make contact with a subject in our city, she is the suspect in a retail theft that occurred in their city. Officer reports that the vehicle is not at the residence. Officers attempted contact, there was no answer. Officer advised Oconomowoc PD of same.
Motor Vehicle Accident-E. Howard Ave. / S. Kinnickinnic Ave.
At approximately 11:25 pm Caller reports a vehicle facing the wrong direction at the above location, possibly an accident. Officer reports the vehicle slid on the ice and struck the curb immobilizing the vehicle. Vehicle was towed.
Motor Vehicle Accident-S. Whitnall Ave. / S. Pennsylvania Ave.
At approximately 11:26 pm a county bus vs pole accident at the above location. No injuries reported. Officer reports the bus struck the light pole at the s/w corner of the intersection. The pole had exposed wires and was still functioning. The pole is a Milwaukee County pole. MCSO dispatch contacted and advised of same.