
Police Daily Activity Report

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Total Calls for Service: 19

Civil Matter-3700blk S. Arctic Ave.

At approximately 12:46 pm Caller states the home owner gave him permission to take scrap siding, but the contractor for the project said he couldn't. Officer states the home owner, did give permission to the man to take the scraps. The person in charge at the jobsite stated he is running the job and had to clear it with his boss. Parties advised it was a civil matter, no issues. 

Mutual Aid-S. Nicholson Ave. / E. Layton Ave.

At approximately 1:37 pm CUPD advised they just had a retail theft occur at the Walgreen's at the above location. A male Hispanic suspect pushed out a cart full of products, and got into a white work van with a female Hispanic driver. The license plate provided is showing stolen out of Milwaukee.  Officer reports checking the area and not locating the vehicle.

Suspicious Activity-3200blk S. Lake Dr.

At approximately 1:38 pm an employee from the Seminary observed a man exit a vehicle, which is parked on Lake Dr, and he walked into the woods with what appeared to be a compound bow. The man was wearing camo clothing. Officers checked the area, and located the man who was located in the woods medal detecting. There was no bow on him, just medal detecting equipment. The man was advised on the complaint and informed he was on private property. Officer advised caller of the same.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Total Calls for Service: 20

Motor Vehicle Accident-2000 E. Layton Ave.

At approximately 11:52 am Caller reports witnessing a person in older grey Jeep Cherokee hit a black Prius in the lot.  Officer reports there was minor cosmetic damage to both vehicles. Contact made with both vehicle owners, neither wished to file an accident report.

Suspicious Activity-3100blk E. Crawford Ave.

At approximately 5:07 pm complainant came to the PD and states that his W2 arrived in the mail, opened, with a note saying opened by mistake. Complainant would like it documented just in case someone attempts to use his information. 

Welfare Check-3120 E. Norwich Ave. 

At approximately 5:58 pm Anonymous caller called about a tenant that constantly is screaming, has been going on for 3 years. Per apt management, they advised to have her call in a welfare check. Officer made contact with the female tenant who admitted to screaming a lot today. She stated the reason was because neighbors have been making unnecessary noises at all different hours, which upset her so she started screaming. The female was advised to stop screaming and if she had problems with other tenants to contact management in the morning. The female did not need any further assistance from officers. 

Welfare Check-4500blk S. Kansas Ave.

At approximately 6:14pm Caller states that someone may be living in vehicle. The vehicle has been parked 3-4 days on his block. Ford Explorer/SUV, possibly silver. Officers found the vehicle parked and unoccupied.  It appeared the vehicle had someone living in it. Phone contact was made with the registered vehicle owner, who stated he had a family emergency and had to leave the vehicle parked there. He stated he will be moving the vehicle in a few hours. He denied that he was living in it. No further police assistance needed. 

Suspicious Activity-4567 S. Whitnall Ave.

At approximately 6:28 pm Caller reports he heard strange noises coming from a vehicle parked in the east lot of his apartment complex. He observed a W/M wearing a grey hoodie, kicking the vehicle, getting in and out. Officer made contact with the subject at his vehicle who advised that he was frustrated with his work. Officers then observed damage on the vehicle and he stated that he kicked his car. Investigation revealed, the man was arrested by OCPD earlier in the day for OWI 2nd and that a family member drove the car home after the arrest. Both OCPD and the person who drove the vehicle home advised that they did not observe any damage prior to officer’s contact. He stated he didn't drive after he was arrested.  Officers checked the parking lots and surrounding area but did not locate anything with matching damage. Follow-up with management to see if they have video of the vehicle parking.

Mutual Aid-3600blk E. Lunham Ave.

At approximately 6:32 pm Oconomowoc PD requesting SFPD officers attempt to make contact with a subject in our city, she is the suspect in a retail theft that occurred in their city. Officer reports that the vehicle is not at the residence. Officers attempted contact, there was no answer. Officer advised Oconomowoc PD of same. 

Motor Vehicle Accident-E. Howard Ave. / S. Kinnickinnic Ave.

At approximately 11:25 pm Caller reports a vehicle facing the wrong direction at the above location, possibly an accident. Officer reports the vehicle slid on the ice and struck the curb immobilizing the vehicle.  Vehicle was towed.

Motor Vehicle Accident-S. Whitnall Ave. / S. Pennsylvania Ave.

At approximately 11:26 pm a county bus vs pole accident at the above location. No injuries reported. Officer reports the bus struck the light pole at the s/w corner of the intersection. The pole had exposed wires and was still functioning. The pole is a Milwaukee County pole. MCSO dispatch contacted and advised of same. 

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Total Calls for Service: 19

Suspicious Activity-3700blk S. Ahmedi Ave.

At approximately 8:36 am complainant came to the PD reporting that he locks his vehicle every day but when he goes out to his car the next morning the doors are always unlocked.  He also stated the fuse box cover under his hood is open. Officer advised the complainant to bring his vehicle to a dealership to see if anything is wrong with the locks or key fob. The complainant was advised to get a camera to possibly record if someone is tampering with his vehicle. 

Criminal Damage to Property-4220 S. Vermont Ct.

At approximately 12:43 pm Caller reports a blue vehicle parked outside and the person ripped all the names off the mailbox. Officer reports speaking with the complainant who suspects a known male or female removed the names off the mailboxes but does not have any proof at this time. Complainant requested this to be documented at this time.  

Suspicious Activity-1700blk E. Eden Pl.

At approximately 4:30 pm Complainant came to the PD and would like to report his vehicle was broken into on January 31st. He believes it happened when other vehicles were entered a few days ago in the area. Complainant stated nothing was stolen but the fuse box cover was taken off. The complainant was advised there was a subject was arrested and he was satisfied of findings. Nothing further.

Suspicious Activity-4021 S. Kinnickinnic Ave. (Badger Metal)

At approximately 5:27 pm Officer reports being out at above location with individuals on property. Subjects stated they were given permission by the state to test the property for contamination. They were also given permission by the city to have a dumpster on the property. The permit was shown officers and it is placed on the front door of the building. The company will be on the property for the next few days. Nothing further.

Welfare Check-4045 S. Kinnickinnic Ave.

At approximately 7:06 pm 911 caller is at the gas station and doesn't know how to get home.  He just moved to the city a couple of weeks ago. Officer made contact with the subject who was intoxicated and didn't know how to get home.  it was found he lived a few blocks away. The man was given a courtesy ride to his residence.

Suspicious Activity-S. Whitnall Ave. / 794

At approximately 9:58 pm Caller reporting what looks to be a child standing on the bridge by 794.  He did not appear to be dressed very warm. Officer contacted the caller who advised that the subject appeared to be a younger male possibly hitchhiking. Officers checked the area and did not locate anyone.

Monday, February 3, 2025

Total Calls for Service: 21

Disorderly Conduct-4220 S Vermont Ct.

At approximately 11:45 a.m., a citizen called 911 reporting a physical altercation occurring in the hallway. Officers responded and learned a 22-year-old New Berlin man was involved in a confrontation with the onsite manager, a 46-year-old St. Francis woman, after she attempted to stop him from coming inside the building as he was not a tenant. The man left prior to officers’ arrival. He later came to SFPD where he was issued a citation for disorderly conduct. The man’s girlfriend, a 25-year-old St. Francis woman, was arrested for disorderly conduct after she engaged in a verbal argument and threatened another tenant for calling the police. She was booked, cited, and released. Report filed.

Retail Theft-Petco 4698 S Whitnall Ave

At approximately 7:45 p.m., an employee called police to report a retail theft had occurred 20-minutes prior to calling. Officer responded and learned two black males driving a tan minivan with no license plates stole 4 bags of dog food totaling $320.00. They were last seen driving westbound in the parking lot towards S. Pennsylvania Ave. Report filed.

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Total Calls for Service: 23

Noise Complaint-4220 S Vermont Ct.

At approximately 1:48 a.m., a citizen called police to report hearing “banging sounds” and screaming coming from another apartment. Officers responded and spoke with a 25-year-old St. Francis woman who had been drinking and was uncooperative with officers. She said the noise was coming from her tv and she shut the door on officers.

Disorderly Conduct-4569 S Whitnall Ave

At approximately 8:54 a.m., a citizen called police to report what sounded like a physical fight occurring in another apartment. Officers responded and spoke with a 26-year-old St. Francis woman who was uncooperative with officers. She stated the other person had left and she would not disclose the person’s name. The woman appeared to be physically unharmed. Officers cleared.

Vehicle Pursuit-N 32nd St @ W. Locust St.

At approximately 4:45 p.m., a SFPD officer was at the above location in the City of Milwaukee looking for a stolen vehicle. Officer located the vehicle which was occupied. The vehicle now had tinted windows and a temporary license plate affixed to it. Officer attempted to stop the vehicle and a brief pursuit was initiated. The pursuit was terminated after the officer lost sight of it. Report filed.

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Total Calls for Service: 15

Operating Motor Vehicle Intoxicated- E. Howard Ave. / S. Kinnickinnic Ave.

At approximately 2:24 am Officer was on patrol when a vehicle began to tailgate the squad. The vehicle then went around the marked squad, and took off a high rate of speed. Traffic stop was conducted and it took several blocks for the vehicle to stop.  Officer stopped the vehicle and spoke to the driver who displayed multiple signs of impairment. She was transported to the PD for SFSTs and she refused to perform them. She was arrested for OWI 3rd offense.  She refused to provide a blood sample. A search warrant was applied for and granted. Forced blood was completed.  She was then transported to the Milwaukee County Jail.  The case will be reviewed by the DA’s Office for charges.  Report filed.

Prowling/ Loitering-1800blk E. Eden Pl.

At approximately 2:37 am 911 caller reported a male wearing a coat with a white hood and dark colored jeans was in their backyard and was trying car doors. He was last seen headed W/B.  CUPD responded to the area to assist and located a truck with its driver door open in the 1900 block of E. Eden. CUPD then noticed a subject with a flashlight in the yard of a residence. SFPD Officer located a male subject walking down the driveway. The man was wearing a white over grey windbreaker jacket which matched the caller’s description. He was also in possession of multiple miscellaneous keys and loose change in paper and coin currency. The 28 year old Milwaukee man was arrested for Loitering/Prowling.  He was booked, cited and released. The keys and money were kept as possible stolen property.  Report filed.

Motor Vehicle Accident-4698 S. Whitnall Ave.

At approximately 4:20 pm 911 caller reporting an accident in the Pick n' Save parking lot near Kinder Care. Officer reports Unit 1 was exiting the North/South parking lane attempting to turn w/b in the driving lane in the back of the lot. Unit 2 was already traveling w/b in the lane. Unit 1 did not see Unit 2, and pulled out in front of Unit 2 causing minor damage to both vehicles. Report filed.

Juvenile Complaint-3400 E. Howard Ave.

At approximately 9:42 pm Caller reports observing a group of juveniles, 14 or 15yo, smashing things on the ground. They were last seen walking behind the PD onto the Nojoshing trail. Officers located 8 juveniles in the 3200blk Crawford Ave. who were playing with silly string. The juveniles cleaned up their mess. The juveniles were walked back to a residence at 3946 S. Alexander where they were all spending the night. Contact was made with parents who were advised. The homeowner/ parent was okay with all the juveniles staying at her residence. 

Domestic Incident-4569 S. Whitnall Ave.

At approximately 10:33 pm 911 caller reporting altercation with her boyfriend and he is following her to her car. Officer reports the two of them engaged in a verbal argument and the boyfriend was preventing her from leaving resulting in the altercation. Both parties stated the incident happened in the apartment and when officers checked, both children were found sleeping in their rooms. Both parties did not have any visible injuries. Parties were separated and the female wished to go to a hotel for the night. 

Friday, January 31, 2025

Total Calls for Service: 21

Mutual Aid-E. Armour Ave. / S. Pennsylvania Ave.

At approximately 1:36 am Officer assisted CUPD squad on a traffic stop with an intoxicated passenger and they were being disorderly. When the female was being placed in the CUPD squad she physically resisted SFPD Officer. She was arrested by CUPD for drug charges and was issued SFPD citations for Resisting and Disorderly Conduct. Report filed.

Welfare Check-2746 E. Layton Ave.

At approximately 7:39 am 911 caller reports while she was in the area, she observed a black car outside the animal hospital and appears someone is sleeping/slumped over the wheel. Officers checked the business and area and did not locate the vehicle.

Hit & Run Accident-4698 S. Whitnall Ave.

At approximately 11:45 am complainant came to the PD to report a hit and run accident at Pick N Save. Complainant stated her vehicle was hit in parking lot between 11:15 am and 11:30 am. She believes her vehicle was side swiped, as her vehicle is black and now has white paint on it where the damage occurred. Pick N Save would not provide video without a report. She advised she has photos. Contact made with loss prevention person who advised she would review the security video and get back to the officer. Report filed.

Disorderly Conduct-3400 E. Howard Ave.

At approximately 12:53 pm a panic alarm was sounding at City Hall.  Officer reports there was a female subject being disorderly and was asked to leave, which she did. The female was upset with having to pay the city for having snow removed previously from her sidewalk. 

Criminal Damage to Property-4030 S. Kinnickinnic Ave.

At approximately 10:04 pm 911 caller stated he was trying to call non-emergency to report that his back door was broken into. It did not appear that anyone entered his house as the door was still locked. Complainant stated he was gone for approximately 30 minutes. He stated when he returned the glass on the rear door was broken but the door was locked. He confirmed nobody entered the residence and nothing was missing. Officer spoke with a neighbor who heard someone knocking aggressively but did not see anyone. The complainant needed a report as he was going to report it to management. Report filed.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Total Calls for Service: 20

Domestic Incident-4040 S. Lake Dr.

At approximately 1:08 am Caller reported a possible domestic disturbance in one of the apartments stating she could hear things being broken and people yelling. Upon Officers arrival it was learned that both females were engaged in a verbal argument which turned physical. Both live together.  The one was found to be the predominant aggressor and was arrested for DC/DV. She was arrested, booked and transported to the Milwaukee County Jail.  The case will be reviewed by the DA’s Office for charges.  Report filed.

Disorderly Conduct-E. Howard Ave./ 794

At approximately 3:57 pm Caller reports four juveniles who threw a vehicle grill over the bridge approximately 5 minutes prior to calling.  The caller has camera footage of same.  Officer located four subjects walking in the area and matching the descriptions provided. The one subject admitted to throwing part of a vehicle's plastic grill over the fence into the grass area next to I-794. All were W/A on their actions. All juveniles’ parents were contacted and advised on the Police contact.

Family Trouble-2500blk E. Whittaker Ave.

At approximately 4:00 pm 911 caller reports his 16yo daughter is getting upset, he's asking officers to respond to de-escalate the situation. Officer reports the daughter became upset with her father and walked home. Officers spoke with both parties and mediated the situation. The father advised he would leave the house for a while to let things cool down. No further Police assistance was needed.